Sun Rose Beauty
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Phara Mare
Burgundy Sun x Sun Rose Ebony by Majestic Sun
Annette Weber said when people saw “Beauty” in the Arabian World Magazine, they often exclaimed she was “the most perfect Arabian horse” they had ever seen. Beauty's black liver color with flaxen mane and tail took on-looker’s breath away. And, that was from a photograph! One may only imagine what I get to see every day when I go to the barn and there she is, in living color – the Sun Rose Beauty herself.
Yes, I still pinch myself after two years, but mostly, I feel the tremendous responsibility of keeping her safe, comfortable, alive, and fertile. We are very fortunate to have her presence and essence of spirit with us today. If I only had two words to truly describe Sun Rose Beauty's personality, outside of physical eloquence, it would be “War Mare.” She is unequivocally the strongest, bravest, enduring, most intuitive mare I have ever been graced to know.
Beauty is also the reason that Burgundy Arabian Stud invested in having our own on-site reproduction laboratory. Our 2023-24 breeding strategy is to mitigate the risk of breeding Beauty, and our other mares, while increasing the probability of having as many foals as possible on the ground in 2023-24.
We think by controlling the breeding within our on-site facility, we will reduce the risk exposure and create an environment more conducive for a higher rate of successful breeding these bloodlines.
To achieve this objective, we built a stallion station for our stallions to collect and a laboratory to analyze, store, and ship both chilled and frozen semen. In addition to the stallion station, we added our mare breeding laboratory to perform AI reproduction while keeping our precious mares comfortable within their respective homes as we monitor every step of the way their breeding from follicle cycle through the birth of their foals.
Given that we feel time is of the essence. we are also utilizing recipient mares for embryo transfers in an effort to have multiple babies from Beauty, and the other Burgundy Arabian Stud mares, our first year and thereafter.